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Sunday, August 26, 2007

just missed list


1962 ----RAMIRO CABALLERO----59
1932----JIMMIE FOXX-------------58
1938----HANK GREENBURG-------58
1939----TONY ROBELLO-----------58
1947----BUCK FRIERSON-----------58
2006----RYAN HOWARD-------------58--(JUST ADDED)
1947----D.C. "PUD' MILLER---------57
1947----BILL SERENA--------------57
1930----HACK WILSON------------56
1935----GENE LILLIARD-----------56
1954----FRANK GRAVINO---------56
1957----STEVE BILKO--------------56
11 other players hit 55 HRs


Valentino Pascucci

V. Pascucci has passed and leads all minor leagues with 34 home runs in 125 games played. He plays for the Albuerque Isotopes of the AAA Pacific Coast League (Parent club: Florida). Isotopes have 9 games left in regular season play. His PHR IS: 36. This league plays a 140 game season. his PHR for a 162 game season would be: 45.

Ron Ankiel has 4 home runs in 13 games with St. Lewis. He left the Minors leading with 32 home runs. If his two team total were allowed his PHR would be 40.

Alex Rodriquez leads all players with 43 homers in 128 games played with 32 game left to play. His PHR is 53. He needs 56 to make the almost list, don't think he will make it.
Prince Fielder is in second with 39 homers in 127 games played with 32 games left to play. His PHR is: 48

This turning into a very poor year for the long ball. We had a lot of 60plus PHR'S in the first 30 games of the season, but the season beat down everyone and nobody will hit 60 this year.

Monday, August 20, 2007


The Mexican Leauge-AAA has ended regular season play. This 110 game season leauge is into the play offs now. Donny Leon was the top Home Run hitter with 31 in 99 games. If he were to play a 162 game season his PHR would be 47, third highest in organized baseball.
Ron Ankiel has not played in the Pacific Coast Leauge for over a week now and still leads with 32 homers, with about 10 games left to play it may hold up. Ron Ankiel has played 8 games for St. Lewis now hand a .296 batting Avg. and 3 home runs, WOW!
Had he stayed in the minors his 162 game PHR WOULD HAVE BEEN 42.
Mike Hessman of the AAA- International Leauge has 29 homers, 3rd highest in the minors. Hessman played 29 games for Atlanta in 2004 before being sent back to the minors.
There now is a 0% chance that anyplayer hit 60 homers this year and only a 75% chance anyone will hit 50. Home Run PHR'S are falling fast. Note: if R. Howard could get back the 18 games he missed his PHR would be tied with A. Rodriguez.

A. Rodriquez-----------122-------39------40-------51
P. Fielder-------------123-------38------39-------50
A. Dunn----------------121-------34------41-------45
R. Howard--------------105-------33------40-------45

R. Howard--------------105-------33------58-------51( if only he could get back the 18 games he missed)

Saturday, August 11, 2007


Alex Rodriguez
Berry Bonds
Rick Ankiel

Bond mania is finialy over and we can now go back to our lives. R. Ankiel was called up to the Majors and leave the minor leauges with a leauge leading 32 homers that may stand up during the last 25 games of the season. He has hit three homers in his first three games with St. Louis, not bad for a former pitcher.

A. Rod has 39 homers in 114 games for a PHR of 55. P. Fielder has 36 homers in 116 games for a PHR of 50. R. Howard has 32 homers in 98 games for a PHR of 47.
A. Dunn has 48 in 114 for a PHR of 42.

Sunday, August 05, 2007


Alex Rodriguez should hit his 800th home run on May 15, 2013 and leave Berry Bonds in his dust. He will have to average 53 homers a year for six years, no easy task. Bonds will hit number 736 at home in San Francisco this week, that was the plan all along. Bonds would have play two more seasons to reach 800, that number i would respect, but leaving the game with just a few more homers than Aaron will not remove the * next to his name. Look for this to be Bonds last year.
The 60 home run chase is now over, I put the odds of someone hitting 60 at less than 1%.

A. Rodriguez-----------110--36---52---53
P. Fielder----------------111--32---51---47
R. Howard----------------93--30---51---46
A. Dunn------------------109--30---52---44
R. Ankiel (PCL)---------95--31---32---41
J. Morneau--------------105--28---51---41

Note that half of these players may fail to hit 40.