Sunday, December 13, 2015

Day 47 from home-

Came out of the cardio lab after 3 hour procedure, kept awake the whole time. Put in a stint where 96% blockage was.
Had to stay flat for another 6 hours. Whith a lot of fluid on my lungs breathing was very hard. Doc says they will wait until Tuesday to due hip surgery. After that will need another stint put in.
Sat. & Sun. I am taking it easy. Trying to get fluid out of my lungs. It's now 7:30 AM Sunday, time to eat breakfast and watch Meet The Press.

Today is Dec 15, 2015 45 days since being home.. The operation went well. They removed three hematoma and and washed out the wound and added some stitches to my elbow to stop bleeding.Tomarrow we start over with rehab.

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