Monday, November 30, 2015

I am coming back.


OtOn Nov. 1st about 4;20AM I had a car accident in Placentia. I was taken to UCI in Orabge with multiple tramas. My elbow was dislocated, they fixed that and j am now in a arm brace for up to 8 weeks. My stirnum was fractured, nothing done it will heel on its own. My right leg broke at the hip. They did surgery on the fourth and put a plate and some screws to fix it. 
Other problems are hypertension, arterial fib and type 2 diabetes. Test conducted after surgery indicated that I had a miles hart attack. Before surgery I had 10 units of blood transfusion. My hemoglobin had dropped to 6.7 at one point.
Took me until 11/23 to get stable enough to go to skilled. Nursing facility. Started to get a lot of blood in my urin .
 In the S.N. Facility I was doing some good rehab with the PT and OT. On Dec. 4 I had a Dr. Apt. With the surgeon who did my hip. Very scary going down the 5 at 70mph in the back of an ambulance. My wound was still bleeding and they thought my elbow needed to be reset. They decided  re admit me into UCI so they can go in and wash out the wound and reset my elbow under Gen. Anastasia . Had to get ok from Cardio Doc. I have been waiting 2 days now to get my Dr's to agree on a course of action.
It is now 6 AM Dec. 7. Hoping today's the day we do some procedures. 
On  Tue. I had x-rays of my elbow, hip and chest. Tue. About 5pm went to do elbow. They gave me a block in the side off M neck which killed all feeling in my right arm. They used a lot of fluids. Went back to my room a nd slept. About 5AM I woke up in the worst pain I have ever had. None of the pain meds help
The Docs finialy came by after being in pain for 8 Hrs and picked up the cheese blocked flipped it on its side. It keeps your arm at 45* angle to your body, pain went away in like 2Min. A little heads up would have been nice.
Went for chemical stress test. Results were not good. I have a bad hart.
Regardless the results they are going to. Put me under Gen Anistisia . They put the odds of not making it at 1000-1.
Today is 12/11/15, 40th day not going home. I have had an EG took my Meds and am getting ready to go have the the procedure . Wish me good luck.

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