Monday, September 11, 2017

George Stanton has 54 homers tying A. Rodriquez who hit 54 in 2007 just missing the almost list(55-59).  With 18 games to go Stanton has a PHR of 60.75.  If he stays on the same pace he has been on all year he will be the newest member of the 60 Homers Club. 
Some cause for concern was that he was not in the last lineup, if he is to reach 60 he can't be sitting out games. On 9/11/07 A. Rod had 52 homers with a PHR of 55 with 10 games left to play but only hit two more homers (20% of remaining games). Stanton will need to hit 1 homer in 33% of remaining games. No problem, he's been doing it all year long.
He would be the 15th player in organized baseball to hit 60 in a season. He would be tied with Tony Lazzeri, Babe Ruth and Forrest Kennedy at 60.
You can google 60 homers club to find the Webb site.

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