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Friday, December 25, 2015

Leaving UCI for the second time

Marry Christmas !

Going through the discharge process. Will be heading back to Park Regentcy in La Harbra for what looks like at least 8 weeks of rehab. Christmas Day of 2015 is my 55th day of not being at home.

How I spent Christmas .
7:20pm left my room at UCI
8:10 rolled into my room at Park Regentcy 
8:45 left P. R.
9:55 rolled back into my room at UCI

The bed was 6" short and they could not get a new bed delivered because it is Chriatmas. UCI ordered me back. Had to go through being readmited. It was a bit cold outside but felt nice breathing fresh air. First time in 21 days I qaa outside.
Just talked to Doc and he just ordered everything back to where it was. Bring on the IVY's

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