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Friday, July 24, 2015

PHR Standings as of July 24, 2015

51.....27...67..G. Stanton/N
50.....29...67..A. Pujols/A
47.....27...68..B. Harper/N
47.....28...67..M. Trout/A
46.....27...67..J. Martinez/A
43.....35...21..J. Amador/Mex

Japhet Amador still leads all of Organized Baseball with 35 longballers, but only has 21 games left. His PHR if adjusted for 162 game season would be 62 making him a real contender for the 60 homers club. Amador leads all MiLB by 9 homers and will win the MiLB HR title.
Stanton still has the highest per-game-Avg. and if he can start playing every day would win the HR title.
I see this race going down to the wire and anyone with 25 or more homers now are in that race.

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