Monday, March 14, 2011

Some PHR.S for 2011
J. Bautista.....402....1265.....82.....33
A. Pujols.......467....1679....126.....49.33
A. Dunn.........475....1721....116.....39.33
P. Konerko......423....1532.....89.....34
M. Trumbo.......419....1610.....83.....32.33
J.P. Arencibia..357....1423.....82.....38
G. Halman.......373....1414.....87.....38.66

These PHR'S are based on the last three years.
I took total home runs divided by games played
to give me a PGA (Per-game-avg.) Then took the
PGA times the number of games needed to make
486 games. Add the two together to make a
three year PHR. Divided that by 3 to make a
one year PHR.
Using this method you can see that A. Pujols is far ahead.

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