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Sunday, December 02, 2007

Hall of Fame solution for Bonds, Rose, and other rejects.

Solution for Hall of Fame and Baseball 756: The Cooperstown Basement
Sports analysts are jumping on the controversial bandwagon asking whether Barry Bond's baseball 756 should be in the Cooperstown Hall of Fame with or without an asterisk. I won't be surprised if ESPN or Fox creates an emotional montage complete with serene music and baseball poetry about all the players, including Pete Rose, who have been left out of the Hall of Fame for one controversial reason or another.

I have a solution to the problem, and I think it could earn Cooperstown a bunch of money: Create the Hall of Fame Cellar.

That's right. Build a Hall of Fame cellar. Make tourists walk down winding, darkened stairs with cobwebby sconces lighting their way. Play eerie music while the tourists view the stories and memorabilia of all the players left out of the Hall of Fame for their inappropriate behavior (Shoeless Joe, Pete Rose, Mark McGuire, and Rafael Palmiero), covered in cobwebs, of course. Include a special section for baseball curses, such as Sports Illustrated Covers, goats, and the Bambino, and don't forget to cover baseball strikes. A haunted cellar. Trust me--oodles of dollars worth of income. And in the center, display Barry Bonds's baseball and Sammy Sosa's bat.

Hope you enjoyed my grandaughters vido.

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