Saturday, June 30, 2007


Craig Brazell

ALEX and PRINCE have been in a slump. Rodriguez needs 2 homers and Fielder needs 3 before the ALL STAR break to stay on track for a chance at 60 homers this year.
CRAIG BRAZELL who plays for the OMAHA ROYALS of the Pacific Coast Leauge AAA (parent club: Kansas City)is the only other player in the minors or majors to have a PHR of over 50, but with two teams.

ALEX RODRIGUEZ has 28 home runs in 77 games for a PHR of 58.
Prince Fielder has 27 home runs in 79 games for a PHR of 55.
Craig Brazell has 29 home runs in 79 games for a PHR of 51(140 game season)

My odds of someone hitting 60 home runs this year is now 30%

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