Wednesday, May 23, 2007

After an 11 day slump A. Rod went nuts and hit 3 homers in 3 games. Being the only projected 60 home run candidate so far this year in organized base ball, he only needs 12 home runs by the all star break to stay on track.
B. Bonds has slowed down and will hit number 756 well after the all star break I predecte. A recent CNN POLL showed that only 8% of responders said the record should be upheld, and an unbeliveable 92% said that it should not.
Steven Pearce is on track to hit hit 55 homers this year, but not with just one team.
J. Goedert leads all minor leauges with a projected home run pace of 53.

The leaders are:

A. Rodreguez........18....44....66(162 game season)
J.Goedert...........15....40....53(140 game season)
J.Hardy.............14....45....50(140 game season)
P. Fielder..........14....46....49(140 game season)
D.Leon..............19....44....47(110 game season)
A.Bates.............13....42....43(140 game season)
C.Jones.............12....41....47(162 game season)
B.Bonds.............11....41....43(162 game season)

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