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Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Sports Illustrated

From Sports Illustrated; 8/31/1998; Olbermann, Keith

###Keith Olbermann

Forrest (Frosty) Kennedy died three months ago, without so much as a moment of silence at any ballpark in the country. That was a shame, because on Sept. 6, 1956, Kennedy, then a 30-year-old first baseman for the Plainview (Texas) Ponies of the Class B Southwestern League, blasted his 60th home run of the season, against the San Angelo Colts. Kennedy was the last of three sluggers to hit 60 in '56. Dick Stuart of the Lincoln Chiefs of the Class A Western League, who would later destroy major league pitching--both as a batter and as Dr. Strangeglove at first ...

If you can find a copy, it is a great read.

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