Wednesday, June 15, 2005

July 13, 1954 thru Aug. 29, 1954

Aug 29, 1954—SOX MANGLE DUKES IN CIRCUS TILT, 14-7---A tied-up ball game in the eighth inning turned into a comedy of errors for Albuquerque and the playoff-bound Amarillo God sox took advantage of them to score an easy 14-7 win over the dukes in their series opener here last night. An “appreciation night” crowd closely estimated at 2,000 watched in humorous approval as Duke Manager Tom Jordan got the riot started, resulting in the removal of five Albuquerque players—including himself. Goff homered to left to bring in De La Torre to put Amarillo aged, 7-5. Then Kempa singled to left and went to second on a wild pitch to Gil Silve. Then, while Jordan and plate umpire Charlie butler were discussing the count on Silva, Kempa stalked easily down to third base and came home ad the two teams argued on the latter call. After a sit-down strike that lasted over 20 minutes, Jordan, Socha, Bartolomel, Joe Pierre and Bob Flores were tossed out and the Dukes blew sky high. The Sox finished the inning by sending 12 batters to the plat to score nine runs and the easy victory. Albuquerque tied the game up in their half of the eighth on a home run by Joe Pierre.

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