July 27, 1954—by Dick Collins---SIX WINS IN A TOW DAILY WORKOUTS TO FILL GAP IN GOLD SOX SCHEDULE---Although Amarillo’s gold Sox are scheduled for four days of baseball leisure there’ll be no rest in the camp, beamed Manager Frank Kempa after his boys won their sixth in a row Monday night and as a result jumped back into the first division. The gold Sox, who blasted Plainview’s Ponies 12-5 here last night to sweep the two-game series, get their brief respite because of schedule changes after Borger’s Gassers dropped out of the West Texas-New Mexico league. Preceding lat night’s game, lovely Miss Susanne Norman was named Miss Amarillo Gold Sox of 1954, Seven beauties competed for the title. Miss Norman was sponsored by Fedway. She will now compete against other baseball queens of the six other cities for the title of Miss West Texas-New Mexico league. Frosty Kennedy scored Amarillo’s 10th run in the eighth when he rounded the bases on Bruzga’s single to right. Kennedy blasted a standup double to left to get on. Rucker then struck out, Balclulis was out by a fielder’s choice and sent Bruzga to second. The ponies intentionally walked Dempa to get to Ruyle, but the side arming curve specialist misread the script and blooped a single down the right field line to sore Bruzga and Kempa.
Aug. 2, 1954—Between YOU and ME—by Harry Gilstrap-----Is just one of many isolated bugs—There probably are millions who will agree, including (though with reservations) this observer. It may be hazarded, too, that perhaps we sports writers do not make enough of the characters we do have, that we may tend to formalize our athletes for reader consumption, that the modern trend away from “corn’ in sports writing actually may gave stripped some of the artificial glamour from the graves. OUR DESK MAN may have isolated one of the bugs which are attacking sports prosperity, but only one of several, I suspect, and not the fatal one, at that. As an interesting paradox, it can be pointed out that the biggest two drawing-cards in professional wrestling, for instance, are Lou Thesz and Vern Gagne, both “straight,” while on the other hand Avarill’s Gold Sox admittedly gave a character (it’s a compliment, Frosty) in Frosty Kennedy, but are not prospering at the gate.
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