Wednesday, January 27, 2016

88th day of not being home
They switch beds on me. This bed is way to small and had a very uncovertable night. They say they are working on it but now I can't do by bed exercise and my bad leg is cramping because I can't straighten it out and I have to lay flat or I will slide down off the bed. Harder for me to breath when flat.
My brother Bob came to see me. He wheeled me around the place and we went out on the patio and spent about an hour talking, first time I've done that. When I got back to my bed I fit fine. Now everything is as good as can be expect. Think I will sleep much better tonight.
Bob came back brought my sister to see me on their way to dinner.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

87th day of not being home

Left Foothill at 5 PM and got back to Park Regency at 6:15PM. Good to be back.
Foothill Medical Center is still going thru the acredidatiion process and is very under staffed folks still need training.
Stay away from this place till fully open.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

My trip to Tustin

 Hemoglobin is 8.5 and dropping, on my way to hospital.Stool sample rusted positive for blood.
They had wrong size gurney and now have to wait three more hours to get right one.
Friday, 2/22/2015- spent last night at Foothill Regenal Medical Center in Tustin. They ran some blood test and then admitt me to hospital. Will talk to Doca in just a few hours.
Doc says I must starve today and take laxitives, tomarrow colonoscopy and other test. Trying to see were I am bleeding. Will be a tough nite not eating.
Only upper today.
Colonoscopy will be done at 10am tomarrow , I wasn't clear enough. They did the upper one and found no bleeding only some gas rites. Now starting my second day of not eating. More drugs to make me shit and I don't think there is any shit left in me. 
They removed two polyps and clean out my Colin and found no bleeding. Could not wait to eat my 500cal lunch. They will keep me overbite and my discharge me Tomarrow, my hemoglobin was 9.1 a very good sign.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Day 76 away from home

JanGot my wheelchair delivered last night. Today they used a lift to get me into chair but the chair was 4" to small, my case worker who ordered it was mad and called the place to have the right one today. I am now waiting for the right size wheelchair.
Jan 18- haven't had a BM in 4 days. Last night after. Taking meds for taking a shit they gave me a suppository about 9pm and a second one at 2AM it is now 5AM and still can't pass a terd. Very uncovertable and feel like I am going to explode. My BP was 156/90 and my BS was 75.
80th day of not being home.
So here what happen. When they measured me for a chair I needed a 31", they sent me a 28". Then last night they sent me a 26". Now I am still waiting for the dunbasses to bring me the right chair
Jan. 20 11:14AM just had ciorrect 30" wheel chair delivered.
Jan. 20, 2016 81 days since being home. Thought this day would never come

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

73rd day of not being home

Went to my Ortho Apointment yesterday after delaing one week. The trip by ambulance was very enjoyable. I get to get outside and feel the sun and breath the fresh air it was great.
The Docs removed the staples from my hip and closes the drainage wound and said it was healing well. They took a lot of X-rays. My right hand may have some lasting damage, it's hard for me to make a fist and my wrist is always in a lot of pain. It may be fixable with surgery later after my arm has healed. Docs OK me to start trying to get me to start using a wheelchair. Most of my PT time now will to get me into a wheelchair. I will see Docs again in six weeks.

Monday, January 04, 2016

Got up on one leg today

My Drs apt got canceled at the last min when my ins decided not to cover the cost of transportation. I rescheduled for next Monday and now have to figure out how to pay the $586 RT cost.
Today is Jan 1, 2016 67th day of not being home. Today I was able to stand up on my left leg for about 1 min, first time I did that in 67 days. Big improvement .